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New Ganymede

An upcoming indie sci fi-fantasy ARPG— published by The Metakey

New Ganymede is an upcoming free-to-play MMOARPG, set in a bizarre near future of interplanetary oligarchs, transhuman bounty hunters and virtual revenants, developed by a Melbourne-based team of industry veterans and rising stars, and published by Metakey.

Body armour selection
New Ganymede's Bronze, Silver, and Gold passports
A screen from New Ganymede game
Game characters in front of a building
A screen from New Ganymede
No items found.

New Ganymede is an upcoming free-to-play MMOARPG, set in a bizarre near future of interplanetary oligarchs, transhuman bounty hunters and virtual revenants, developed by a Melbourne-based team of industry veterans and rising stars, and published by Metakey.

In the approaching demo (from Q4 2023), you will be introduced to the eponymous city hub of New Ganymede, a living nexus for the narrative, progression and social hooks of this new sci-fi fantasy universe— a fallen paradise crippled and besieged by an orbiting fleet as reality unravels around it.

The first instanced co-op PVE environment, Umbriel, will also be playable at this time. Alongside a team of friends, you will be tasked with braving the dark world and its relentless inhabitants, to uncover a mystery that threatens the future and fabric of life and civilization. Pull together with your allies and we may yet stand a fighting chance!

New Ganymede on Immutable

A host of free rewards and purchasable items have been made available to early adopters of New Ganymede on Immutable, including Founders’ Rewards and the inaugural Danger Box— limited edition assets with iconic in-game cosmetic counterparts. New Ganymede also supports the Metakey and Metakrew collections with exclusive in-game items.

Metakey and the New Ganymede team are excited in future to explore the vast untapped potential of interoperability and inter-platform narratives, mechanics and rewards, with Immutable as the ideal partner for these ambitions. Immutable is massively scalable; gas-free; highly secure; carbon neutral and committed to the interests of gamers. They also boast a growing ecosystem of best-in-class web3 games to collaborate with on this vision of interoperability.

With a F2P live-service model, each new season will bring new rewards for players to earn and collect— we’re excited to see you all in Season 0 very soon.