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Meta Toy City

Meta Toy City is a captivating free-to-play pixel graphic multiplayer online RPG, offering players an immersive gaming experience

Meta Toy City is coming soon.

Discover a new realm of mobile gaming where pixel art and blockchain technology converge. Meta Toy City offers players a nostalgic yet innovative experience, granting true ownership of in-game assets, secure transactions, and unprecedented transparency, all within a captivating virtual world. By blending the charm of pixel art with the potential of blockchain, Meta Toy City creates immersive worlds where players truly belong, offering them ownership of in-game assets, secure transactions, and unparalleled transparency.

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From the creative minds at Z5 Games, we are thrilled to introduce the newest title joining the Immutable ecosystem: MetaToyCity (MTC)!

Embark on epic hack-and-slash adventures, compete in colosseum battles, participate in exciting PVE raids, and discover a new realm of mobile gaming where pixel art and web3 gaming converges.

MetaToyCity (MTC) is a pixel graphic Guild-fi multiplayer role-playing game. This new MMORPG title offers players a fresh take on a classic and nostalgic gameplay experience, empowered with true ownership over in-game assets, secure transactions, and unprecedented transparency, all within a captivating virtual world.

Player can experience the following:

Explore Vast Realms: Embark on quests that will shape your destiny in sprawling virtual landscapes. Traverse enchanted forests, battle mythical beasts, and unravel ancient mysteries. Engage in epic boss battles that test your strategy and skill, and master the art of dungeon farming, where untold treasures await.

True Ownership, Real Adventure: Brace yourself for an unprecedented gaming experience where in-game assets are not just pixels, but true assets you own. Our blockchain integration ensures secure transactions, empowering you to buy, sell, and trade in a realm where ownership is as real as the action-packed adventure itself.

Forge Alliances, Craft Legends: Join forces with fellow players to form guilds, alliances, and friendships that transcend the digital realm. Unite against epic foes, conquer uncharted territories, and become part of a thriving community that shares your passion.

Z5 Games, a cutting-edge mobile game developer and publisher, specializes in pixel graphic MMORPGs, combining captivating gameplay with blockchain technology to deliver immersive gaming experiences that redefine the boundaries of mobile gaming.

Their mission is to create unforgettable gaming adventures that resonate with players worldwide and to provide players with a new level of engagement, ownership, and immersion within their games.

Z5 Games CEO, Daniel Kim, brings battle-tested experience as the producer of the DragonVillage series, which garnered over 20 million downloads. The leadership team’s proven track record in delivering engaging gaming experiences adds depth to MTC’s creative journey.

“Exciting developments await as we embark on a forthcoming partnership with Immutable,” said Daniel Kim when asked about their motivations for choosing Immutable as their preferred solution. 

“This collaboration aims to introduce innovative blockchain technology, paving the way for players to experience true ownership of in-game assets, secure transactions, and enhanced transparency. Stay tuned for a gaming experience where adventure and ownership intertwine in unprecedented ways,” he continued.

2023 Roadmap Highlights

Ready to Play? You can check out and play the Open beta test for MetaToyCity now!

MTC boasts an exciting roadmap ahead to close out 2023:

  • Official Launch: The official launch of MTC will mark the beginning of an exciting journey for players and the Z5 Games team.

  • HeroZ Gen-1 NFT Sales: Players will soon have the opportunity to purchase first-generation HeroZ NFTs, marking a significant step in the integration of blockchain technology into the game.

  • Guild House NFT Sales: In the coming months, players will be able to purchase Guild House NFTs, further enhancing the sense of ownership and community within the game.

Checkout the full roadmap here. Prepare to embark on a new journey into an epic adventure in pixel glory in web3 - Welcome to MetaToyCity!

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