Do Quests,
Earn Gems
Battle Royale


Edenbrawl takes the traditional sports elements of two goals and players needing to score points within that area to win the game and League of Legends, for example where each character possesses different abilities, can buy items, and has an ultimate skill that can alter the pace of the game.

For simplicity, heroes are the same as champions in other MOBAs. Each team gets to choose 5 heroes to represent their lineup. Similar to League of Legends and DOTA 2, there are several roles you need to fill in order to have a balanced team composition that synergizes well in both attack and defense.

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Edenbrawl features top-down gameplay where players control a single hero in objective-based maps similar to MOBAs such as League of Legends, DotA2, or Heroes of the Storm. Edenbrawl is designed to be significantly faster and more action-packed than traditional MOBAs. Combat is intense and relies heavily on skillshots, dodging, and outplaying your opponent rather than farming minions 90% of the time!


Ever dreamt of what would be the result of two games from wildly different genres got mashed up together? The team over at Sparkadia managed to take what makes sports and MOBA games popular and brought the best of both worlds together in Edenbrawl.

The game takes the traditional sports elements of two goals and players needing to score points within that area to win the game and League of Legends for example where each character possesses different abilities, can buy items, and has an ultimate skill that can alter the pace of the game. All of these elements make Edenbrawl an incredibly fast paced game that needs tons of team coordination to overtake your opponents.

Edenball is the primary mode Edenbrawl offers its players. It's a unique blend of Capture the Flag, FIFA, and intense brawler combat where teams of 5 work together to grab a ball in the center of the map and carry/pass it to score in the enemy team's endzone.

While scoring the ball is the primary victory condition, there are multiple ways to do so. Edenball is an intense back and forth where team's can focus on brute teamfighting force, secondary objective focus, or precise positioning and passing to come out on top.


An image of eigth heros NFTS

For simplicity, heroes are the same as champions in other MOBAs. Each team gets to choose 5 heroes to represent their lineup. Similar to League of Legends and DOTA 2, there are several roles you need to fill in order to have a balanced team composition that synergizes well in both attack and defense.

The three roles are Vanguard, Assault, and Support. Each one of them have certain abilities to fit their position, and some heroes are common between each role with minor adjustments in its abilities.

Sparkadia features a profile portrait NFT mechanic focused around your favorite Hero called "Hero Cards". Each card consists of three different elements that make up the NFT.

Hero Cards open up new progression pathways for players. They can stake them to receive a ticket buff to their ticket pass, and they can progress the Portrait by burning NFTs into it. This unlocks additional buffs in other areas of the ecosystem and games.

The rarer the Portrait, the higher the buff levels a player can reach. For example, an uncommon rarity Portrait might have a +5% ticket buff cap that can be reached by burning NFTs, but a legendary rarity Portrait can reach a +25% ticket buff cap.


Dwellings can be described as your hideout or home within the Edenbrawl universe. Players can select a primary structure and personalize the structure itself and the space around it. All Dwellings within Sparkadia are instanced, meaning the space is not physically accessible directly from the primary Sparkadia city, but rather, teleporting to it.

Comparison of common, uncommon, rare, epic, legendary, and mythic castles with a sunset in the background

Six dwelling Tiers exist within Sparkadia:

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Rare
  • Epic
  • Legendary
  • Mythic

The more you take care of your dwelling and level it up, the potential to get access to such as game progression elements, cosmetic unlocks, reward progression, and other elements to utilize within Edenbrawl and other Sparkadia games increases.

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