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Passport Signups Blasts To 400K+: How We’re Increasing Player Conversion With Frictionless Signup Flows

Image alt text: Immutable Pasport: Unlocking Mainstream Players
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One of the fundamental hurdles that will make or break the ability for blockchain and web3 games becoming mainstream is the degree of ease and safety for new players accessing your game. Imagine putting in countless dedicated hours of building an exceptional game, only to churn prospective players when they become faced with a high-friction and complicated sign up process. 

Immutable Passport is solving this by removing onboarding friction and fragmentation from your game with a simple sign-on wallet so that you can convert your player audiences at scale. 

And the proof is in the pudding as this week Passport crossed a significant milestone of 400K signups!

Chart showing the growth of Immutable Passport users

If you want to alienate gamers, ask them to create a wallet. If you want to onboard gamers, ask them to create a Passport! Now, we have the data to back it up, and the players have spoken.

Case Study: Immutable Passport vs Traditional Wallets

Our team recently conducted an experiment with 7,000+ gamers, split into two equal groups and presented them with the following:

Flow A: Immutable Passport creation (Identity and Wallet solution in one 20 second process)

Flow B: Traditional Email field and wallet creation process

The results:

Flow A (Passport) saw over double the completion rate compared to Flow B (Email + Wallet) - This means that new players are twice as likely to be converted for a game using Immutable Passport compared to traditional wallet solutions!

To drive the point home further, the "Create a Passport" call-to-action was nearly as effective as the straightforward "Enter Email" prompt. The difference here was only 3%, demonstrating that players did not find Passport intimidating, even when compared head-to-head with arguably the most long-standing default sign-on method in the world.

Finally, a whopping 70% of gamers who opted for the Passport flow signed up using their Google accounts. By providing familiar onboarding methods and abstracting the complexities of web3 away from the end user, Passport is changing the user acquisition equation for game studios. 

The thought process behind introducing familiar login methods to the Passport signup flow was simple - let’s make it as easy as possible to play web3 games. Ensuring a frictionless onboarding and wallet creation experience for players is one of the most critical steps to achieving mainstream adoption.

Frictionless Sign-Up Flows: The Game-Changer

Most mainstream gamers barely understand the intricate workings of web3 wallets. Even web3 native players face friction by maintaining multiple wallets, some of which are created without them even knowing. 

To ensure funds are ready for transactions, gamers have to navigate fragmented systems with steep fees not designed for in-game transactions. These processes take way too long, confuses users, and leaves them concerned over the security and location of their funds.

We’ve already seen different products like gamertags, Steam accounts, and Apple IDs woven into traditional gaming experiences to improve accessibility. These products have provided immense value for gamers for years, but a solution with similar identity, transaction, and authentication functionalities hasn’t existed in the web3 gaming space. That’s why we built Immutable Passport.

Immutable Passport is The Gateway to Mainstream Web3 Players

Through Passport, game studios can drive adoption across mainstream audiences, maintain enterprise-grade security, and achieve global scalability. On the other side, gamers get access to a secure digital wallet, protection against fraud, and seamless authentication across web3 games and marketplaces as they explore new digital worlds.

The numbers don’t lie; Passport will fundamentally become the default way players will interface with web3 games. For developers, this means we are building the most effective solution for acquiring and converting mainstream players by making it easier and safer for players to access your game, through reduced onboarding friction, increased security, and removing fragmentation between marketplaces and communities.

As game builders ourselves, we know firsthand how difficult it is to build a web3 game and achieve mainstream audience scale. With Passport, you can finally build your web3 game on easy-mode.

Discover the Power of Immutable Passport

Experience the ease of signing up to Passport for yourself, via our Developer Hub here

You can also Explore the Passport developer docs here.

Explore the full arsenal of Immutable’s game-building tools here. 

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