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A Letter to The Gaming Community

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Dear Gaming,

The future of gaming is a vision we all share – one where developers, platforms, and players are empowered, and digital ownership is the norm and not the exception. At Immutable, we're on a mission to make digital ownership for all players a reality, and we believe it's time to bridge the gap between “web3” and gaming.

We are already seeing tech and gaming industry leaders like Google Play and Epic Games starting to embrace the vast opportunities that web3 and blockchain technologies possess to improve the player experience.

Immutable is the one-stop-shop for web3 games, a platform that empowers both game builders and players through digital ownership, liquidity, and empowering a creator economy. Our goals are ambitious: to usher in hit games that demonstrate the true value that web3 technologies have to offer the gaming sphere. We believe a pivotal step to this ambitious goal will be establishing partnerships that move the industry forward.

But like any transformative movement, there are barriers that demand our collective attention. In order to break down these barriers, we need to remove the distinction between “web3” and gaming.

Instead of competing in silos, the next frontier of gameplay hinges on the collaboration between gaming, tech and web3 leaders. We must join forces to innovate upon existing platforms and ecosystems and deliver compelling experiences that drive player acceptance and adoption. Solidarity of purpose will shape the future landscape of gaming.

To truly empower game studios and developers, we must offer plug-and-play solutions that simplify the integration of web3 technology into games. Our commitment at Immutable is to provide purpose-built tooling that is tailor-made for gaming, enabling creators to seamlessly implement these innovations.

To reject or avoid working collaboratively in the industry is to lose sight and become distracted from the true goal: to service the 3 billion players around the world.

Let's unite for the future of gaming.

- Immutable

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